Wednesday, October 5, 2016

How To Take A Screenshot On A Mac

Social media and the internet has made everything we do a visual.  You can see anything anywhere and share it with anyone.  Taking a screenshot with a Mac is a great way to share what you’re doing as well as save images to your computer.  You can post pictures to Facebook or Twitter, share conversations with family or post what you’re working on for clients and employers.
Screenshots are a very versatile tool and it is really simple to learn how to take one and utilize it for whatever you need.  Once you learn how easy it is to take a screenshot with a Mac, you will be using it all the time.  Here are a few simple tutorials on how to take a screenshot with your Mac as well as a few other features.
How To Capture A Full-Size Screenshot
This is for when you want to take a screenshot of your entire computer screen. Whether it is for work purposes or to post to social media, this is the easiest thing to do.
Open all apps or tabs you would like to use in the screenshot. Make sure that anything you want to see in the screenshot is open and arranged the way you would like on the screen.  The way the apps and tabs are arranged on the screen will be exactly the way they look in the screenshot.
Press Command + Shift + 3. All at the same time, press the command, shift, and 3 buttons.
you know that your screenshot has been taken.
Look on your desktop. The screenshot that you just took will be saved as a .PNG file right on your desktop.  It will be named Screen Shot along with the year, date, and time that the picture was taken.
Share and save. To open the file, all you have to do is double click on the screenshot icon.  You can now share it with the Preview button.  Just right-click on the image and choose Open with, or drag and drop it wherever you would like to share and store the image.
How To Screenshot A Specific Window
If you only want to capture a screenshot of just a specific window, you don’t have to take a full-screen image.  You can take a few simple steps just to capture that particular window.
Open the specific window. Make sure the window that you want to screenshot is open and visible up on your desktop.
Press Command + Shift + 4. At the same time, press the command, shift, and 4 buttons.  This will turn your cursor into crosshairs on your computer screen.

For more information click on this link

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